Enabling whānau to thrive
Local support for rangatahi/youth
Social Services
As a tangata whenua-based organisation, we provide social services to whānau/families living in Te Tai Tokerau, Northland.
Kaupapa Māori
We use Kaupapa Māori approaches and work with Rongoa Māori practitioners to support whānau on their journey to wellbeing.
Whānau Ora
Māori identity and wellbeing thrives when whānau, hapū, iwi and our Māori communities lead healthy and prosperous lives.
Follow our journey
Kaupapa Māori Community and Whānau Support Services
Ngāti Kahu is one of the six Muriwhenua iwi of the Far North of the North Island. Ngāti Kahu take their name from their founding ancestress Kahutianui-o-te-rangi, the daughter of Tūmoana, who captained the waka Tinana (later renamed Te Māmaru) which was one of the great voyaging canoes.
Established in the 1980s, Ngāti Kahu Social and Health Services promotes the health and wellbeing in communities through our commitment to kaupapa Māori principles. Our programs are culturally appropriate and collaborative with the local community.
Our services and programmes are specifically designed to bring the individual to a place of connection that will ground and give purpose to their lives. Our journey continues to evolve and shift towards our vision of ‘He Oranga Tangata’ – the wellbeing and health of all people.
Access to our Kaupapa Māori services may be from any source, including self-referral, or upon referral from primary and secondary health services, whanāu, carers and community members.
Mission. Vision. History.
Whakakaha Te Tangata ki te oranga
Our mission as a high-quality mātauranga Māori provider of services is to work towards achieving our vision of He Oranga Tangata. We do this by providing strong leadership, maintaining a dynamic operating environment, enabling innovation and cultivating capability for our team, our whānau and all within the rohe o Ngāti Kahu.
We encourage the empowerment of individuals towards achieving a state of wellbeing. We recognise that each person can improve their own wellbeing and encourage them to take active steps towards achieving this goal. Our health and happiness are within our own power to control, and we all have the potential to thrive when we are empowered.
In the 1980s, Ngāti Kahu formed a Ngāti Kahu Social Services to work with our whānau. We later graduated our services into the health sector and in the 1990s, we became Ngāti Kahu Social and Health Services. Since the beginning, we provide support and resources to individuals and families, with a focus on improving the health outcomes of Māori.
Our multi-disciplinary team
Our leadership team and dedicated community support workers actively promote the health and wellbeing in our communities through a commitment to kaupapa Māori principles.
Hemoata Tauroa | CEO
Ko Hemoata Tauroa toku ignoa
Ko au te Kai Hautu au o Ngati Kahu Social and Health Services
I have the privilege of working with a dynamic team of people who are dedicated to serving whanau. We are committed to working in partnership with others as it is an essential ingredient towards achieving Whanau Ora. “We simply can’t do this alone” Our team delivers a range of services with whakaaro Maori at the forefront, to help us, achieve the outcomes whanau desire. Our team utilises the principles of waka to help us engage with our people to awhi and support them towards living healthy, well and safe lives. Our focus is to promote “Whanau as leaders for Whanau – He Taumata Whanau”… Mauri Ora.
Tracey Haretuku | Operations Manager
Tena tatou Ko Tracey Haretuku ahau.
No Whatuwhiwhi ahau, Ko Rorohuri, Ko Whanau Moana oku Haapu, Ko Ngati Kahu te Iwi.
I am the Operations Manager for Ngati Kahu Social and Health Services, my role enables me to manage and oversee, the key operating, policies, procedures, and systems of the organisation, ensure that we are fit for purpose, and be available to our Chief Executive for the purpose of delivering the service we are accredited to provide. I am a Registered Social Worker who has worked in the social service sector for 20 years. This has entailed working in both the Government and the Community Sector.
Haare Te Wehi | Kaupapa Maori Clinical Lead
Ko Haare Te Wehi toku ignoa I taku turanga o Kaupapa Maori – Clinical Lead
In my role, I provide Kaumatua Leadership and Tautoko in tikanga, kawa, powhiri, mhihimihi, waiata, waiata and karakia. In addition, I provide, clinical leadership and support for teams, support and tautoko for Taumata Whanau Kaupapa. I Identify and manage clinical risks to ensure quality and professional services are delivered. Staff are trained and supervision is provided to ensure positive outcomes and safe practice. I work collaboratively with Team Leaders and Teams, and I work in partnership with key stakeholders and funders.
Mere Tapara | Executive Assistant
Ko Mere Tapara ahau I taku turanga an executive assistant to our Kaihautu.
My career to date spans several years in customer service, administration, and service delivery within central govt, the NGO and health sectors – my primary focus: always to help whanau do better. Joining NKSHS in February 2022, I’m thrilled to continue helping whanau do better, excited by the many opportunities ahead and positively delighted to be part of a newly invigorated organisation.
Team Leaders
Kylie Kara | Youth Services
Ko Kylie Kara toku ingoa. He uri ahau no Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa me Te Arawa
I am Team Lead for Youth Services here at Ngati Kahu Social and Health Services. In my role, I lead and oversee Atarau, Community Connector, Youth Payment and Young Parent Payment (YP/YPP) and NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).
I am passionate about my mahi and educating our youth about their potential, future goals and aspirations. I consult with Kaimahi who work within our community to provide support and education for the betterment of Whanau. My experience extends far and wide, so I bring this to the forefront when working alongside whanau, hapu and iwi.
Elsa Whitley | Community & Mental Health
My name is Elsa Whitley and I whakapapa to Panguru and my Iwi is Te Rarawa ki Ngati Kahu.
I have worked for Ngati Kahu Social & Health Services (NKSHS) for over 8 years. I am a registered Social Worker and working towards my Drug and Alcohol Practitioners Association Aotearoa New Zealand registration (DAPAANZ).
My role within NKSHS’s is of a team lead/kaiarahi who supervises a team of 5 kaimahi who awhi and manaaki tangata whaiora with mental health issues, substance abuse, poverty, and other social problems they may be experiencing. We are a team who are experienced, multi-talented, and come with a range of transferable skills.
Bonnie Cook | Kai Mahi Kura
Kia Ora my name is Bonnie Cook and I’m the Team Lead for Social workers in schools and Youth Mentors in secondary schools for NKSHS.
I’ve been a registered social worker since 2018 and have been working for local NGOs in Kaitaia to present day. Our Team supports all Kura situated within our allocated area, but we are happy to support any whanau seeking support with their rangatahi with Kaupapa Māori driven programs or one-on-one support.
For more information, contact our team today.