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We Are All in This Together

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Our Mahi

Why Ngāti Kahu Social and Health Services?

The team at Ngāti Kahu Social and Health Services uses a Kaupapa Māori approach to support individuals and whānau on their journey to wellbeing. In line with our vision of “He Oranga Tangata” – The Wellbeing of All People, we provide support and resources to improve health outcomes in our community – from hapu mama, infant, tamariki and rangatahi to kaumatua and kuia.

A Māori support service for whānau of all ages

All programmes provided by Ngāti Kahu Social and Health Services are culturally appropriate and collaborative with the Te Tai Tokerau and Muriwhenua communities.

Ngāti Kahu Social and Health Services has a range of services for rangatahi, including support for young parents and youth currently not in education, employment or training.

Our kaupapa Māori-led services aim to influence positive change and help whānau manage their mental health and wellbeing. We’re here to navigate, advocate and support you.

Our team engages with tamariki and rangatahi in schools and uses waka ama to increase their mental, social and physical wellbeing in a safe and supportive environment.

Every whānau has a role to play and whether you are on land or on water, your role is important.

Committed to Whānau Ora

Within a dynamic operating environment, the multi-disciplinary team at Ngāti Kahu Social and Health Services responds to the varied needs of our whānau. Our work is focused towards achieving our vision of He Oranga Tangata. We do this by providing and encouraging strong leadership, enabling innovation, and cultivating capability for our team, our whānau, and all those within the rohe o Ngāti Kahu.


We work and partner with

Mā tō tātou iwi – For Our People

Every programme Ngāti Kahu Social and Health Services delivers has a story, and every story has a whakapapa. “Whakakaha Te Tangata Ki Te Oranga” reminds us that we have the potential to thrive when we are empowered.

Forming new goals

Female rangatahi aged 16 years finding it difficult to think about any future goals, and the difficulty to engage in training, employment or school due to having transport restrictions and
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Staying on track

Rangatahi was transferred to our services at the age of 16 years with basically nothing on his back.  Rangatahi/Youth Coach could see that this rangatahi needed not only financial support
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